29 Dec
2021 Farewell Dinner for Mr Yu Tak Cheung, JP, Former Director of Buildings, Buildings Department, HKSARGHKICM President Cr Conrad Fung and Immediate Past President Cr Tony Za together with past presidents as well as office bearers of General Council hosted a farewell dinner for Mr Yu Tak Cheung, JP, Former Director of Buildings, Buildings Department, HKSARG, on 29 December. A joyful evening filled with personal touches. |
22 Dec
2021 Joined Seminar “Dispute Resolution by Adjudication” and “More Understanding on Claims in Construction Contracts”HKICM and Registered Specialist Trade Contractors Federation (RSTCF) had successfully organised a joined Seminar at Hong Kong Institute of Construction Kowloon Bay Campus on two topics, “Dispute Resolution by Adjudication” (如何用審裁解決建築合約的爭議) and “More Understanding on Claims in Construction Contracts” (建築合約索賞知多D). CIC had given the great support by providing the G/F Theatre of their Kowloon Campus as the venue.
Around 50 members from the HKICM and RSTCF had attended the seminar, which is also a CPD event.
Mr. Joseph Chung, HKICM’s Legal Advisor, Ms Amanda Wong, the Secretary of HKICM’s Dispute Resolution Committee and Mr Dragon Tong, Senior Planner Currie & Brown were the speaker. HKICM’s IPP, Cr Tony Za and RSTCF’s President Mr Chan Lok Chai had given the opening speeches.
20 Dec
2021 Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association 30th Anniversary CelebrationHKICM President Cr Conrad Fung and Hon President Cr Eddie Lam attended the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association 30th Anniversary Celebration on 20 December. HKSAR Chief Executive the Hon Mrs Carrie Lam, together with senior representatives from HKSAR Government as well as Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR officiated the ceremony. Commendations of charity and community services were presented during the event followed by glamorous art and culture shows.
18 Dec
2021 SITE VISIT TO HONG KONG PALACE MUSEUMHKICM joined HKIA and CIOB (HK) to organise a site visit to the Hong Kong Palace Museum. Scheduled to open in mid-2022, the museum will offer a Hong Kong perspective and a global vision, presenting the finest objects from the Palace Museum and other leading cultural institutions around the world. President Cr Conrad FUNG and Immediate Past President Cr Tony ZA, Hon President Cr TANG Chi-wang, together with Vice President Cr Dick LI, and Executive Committee members Cr Simon LEUNG as well as Council and member representatives attended the visit with delegates and friends, led by HKIA President Ar Donald CHOI and Chair of CIOB HK Hub Ir WONG Hon Fai respectively. Leadership team of the three organising institutes carried on a networking luncheon at the conclusion of the visit. It’s a joyful event with lots of fond memories.
8 Dec
2021 第一次聯合社區服務行動:探基層送暖派福袋聖誕將至,香港營造師學會聯同香港建築業協會及香港魯班廣悅堂舉行第一次聯合社區服務行動,除了贊助福袋予基層家庭,更加身體力行!香港營造師學會謝偉正會長,香港建築業協會鄧智宏會長及香港魯班廣悅堂鍾冠文主席,化身為義工一同整理福袋物資,並會帶領三會的理事會成員於12月在不同的社區向建造業界有關聯的家庭派發福袋,向香港市民傳遞對本港弱勢社群的關愛。
6 Dec
2021 The Memorandum of Intent Ceremony between The Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Hong Kong Institute of ConstructionHKICM Vice President, Cr Conrad FUNG was invited and attended the Memorandum of Intent Ceremony between The Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Hong Kong Institute of Construction on 6th December 2021 at the Hong Kong Metropolitan University. This is a very meaningful ceremony for providing the top-up degree opportunity to the HKIC graduates. |
6 Dec
2021 Conversation with Honorary Advisers Sr Hon Tony TSE Wai Chuen, BBS, JP / Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok GBS, MH, JPWe are pleased to invite our Honorary Advisors – Sr Hon Tony TSE Wai Chuen, BBS, JP, and Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok GBS, MH, JP to HKICM Secretariat office on 29 Nov and 7 Dec respectively to share their election platforms cum collecting views from our OBs for the coming Legislative Council Election. President Cr Tony ZA together with core executive members of the General Council have a constructive and fruitful discourse with both Sr Hon Tony TSE and Ir Dr Hon LO. Glad to see how our Advisors have addressed our industry and profession concerns and advancing the interest of the community at large. We wish them every success through the election journey.
6 Dec
2021 全港工商聯房地產商會香港及國際分會有限公司十九周年晚宴香港營造師學會會長 謝偉正營造師,參加12月6日於金鐘萬豪酒店舉辦之「全國工商聯房地產商會 香港及國際分會有限公司 十九周年晚宴」,並與嘉賓拍照留念。
6 Dec
2021 CRECCHKI Smart City Symposium 2021VP Cr Conrad Fung was invited to join Smart City Symposium 2021 which was held on 6 December 2021 at JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong. Smart City Symposium 2021 is to celebrate CRECCHKI’s 19th Anniversary as well as to promote cross-fertilization of ideas related to the Smart City initiative. They invited Mr. WONG Kam-sing, GBS, JP (Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government), and Dr. David CHUNG Wai-keung, JP (Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government) to share information and insights of the latest smart city development.
5 Dec
2021 2021 大灣區工程師論壇香港營造師學會協辦的2021年大灣區工程師論壇,昨天于珠海橫琴及香港圓滿成功舉辦。
感謝會長謝偉正營造師 一直領導組織參與活動,前會長鄧智宏營造師 及上任會長岑厚德營造師 代表學會出席開幕式。
論壇以“聚工程菁英助灣區發展”為主題,貫徹工程領域開放、信任、合作發展理念,著眼大灣區內外融合融通, 聚焦推動粵港澳三地工程界交流交融、開放合作、協同創新,圍繞工程支援可持續發展、大灣區工程技術界創新融合發展、工程領域科技成果轉化、青年工程師職業規劃與大灣區發展、粵港澳三地工程標準差異探討及青年工程師培養與人才流動等內容,設置了開幕式、主旨報告會、2 個平行分論壇及座談會等內容。
而國際與內地聯繫委員會主席陳智敏營造師,亦借助市場化 當然化 多樣化大灣區工程師互認制度這個講題, 建議內地給予政策讓香港營造師學會於內地增設秘書處,增加市場透明度,令專業資格互認早日落實。
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