CS Registration Board
The Construction Supervisors Registration Board (“the Board”) was established under Section 2 of the《Construction Supervisors Registration Regulations》 (“Regulations”). It is the regulatory body responsible for registration of construction supervisors, disciplinary control of the professional activities of registered construction supervisors and for related matters.
The constitution of the Board consists of not less than 10 corporate members and not more than 3 non-members of the Institute appointed by the General Council. The Board shall elect a Chairman and a Vice-chairman from among the members and terms of appointment of the members are normally for 2 years.
(a) | To establish and maintain a Register of Registered Construction Supervisors; |
(b) | To set and review the qualification standards for registration as a Registered Construction Supervisor and related registration matters; |
(c) | To advise the Institute on registration matters; |
(d) | To examine and verify the qualifications of persons who apply for registration as Registered Construction Supervisors; |
(e) | To receive, examine, accept or reject applications for registration and renewal of registration as a Registered Construction Supervisor; |
(f) | To deal with disciplinary breaches in accordance with these Regulations; |
(g) | To keep proper records of its proceedings and accounts; and |
(h) | To carry out such other functions as these Regulations may prescribe. |
(a) | To set fees payable to it under these Regulations; |
(b) | To establish committees to advise the Board on the carrying out of the powers and duties of the Board; |
(c) | To employ persons to assist with the carrying out of its functions under these Regulations; |
(d) | To from time to time engage such professional advisers as it may consider necessary or expedient; |
(e) | To make rules for the registration, renewal of registration, conduct and discipline of Registered Construction Supervisors; |
(f) | To make rules for the reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred by persons attending to the business of the Board; |
(g) | To make rules relating to the procedure for the appeal against any order or decision made by the Board or the Inquiry Committee; and |
(h) | To make any further rules as required for the purpose of carrying out its rights and obligations under these Regulations. |
Note: No fees shall be paid to any member of the Board for his services as a member. |
(This is a transitory board for a term of 2 years from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023)
Chairman : | Cr Dr LEE Fook-pui, Billy |
Vice Chairman : | Cr LI Tak-hong, Dick |
Members : | Cr CHAN Pui Fung |
Cr CHUNG Yuk-ming, Chris | |
Cr FUNG Kwok-keung, Conrad | |
Cr LEUNG Kim-fung, Simon | |
Cr LI Kwok-woon, Ricky | |
Cr LO Wai-yeung, Perry | |
Cr MANG Ka-wing, Terence | |
Cr WONG Ming-fai, Tomy | |
Cr YIU Chi-kin, Simon (Representative of HKCA) | |
Mr YUNG Chun-tang, Eric (Representative of HKFEMC) | |
Mr CHAN Ching-leung, Andrew (Representative of HKGBCA) | |
Registrar : | Mr Ernest LEUNG |
(a) | 設置及備存一份註冊營造監工註冊記錄冊; |
(b) | 制訂及檢討註冊為註冊營造監工的資格標準及有關的註冊事宜; |
(c) | 就註冊事宜向學會提供意見; |
(d) | 審查及核實申請註冊為註冊營造監工的人士的資格; |
(e) | 接受、審查、接納或拒絕註冊為註冊營造監工或將註冊續期的申請; |
(f) | 依照本規例處理違紀、違規行為; |
(g) | 儲存關於議事程序及帳目的適當記錄;及 |
(h) | 執行本規例所訂明之其他職能。 |
(a) | 釐定根據本規例向該局繳付的費用; |
(b) | 成立委員會,就管理局行使權力及執行職責事宜向管理局提供意見; |
(c) | 聘用僱員以協助執行根據本規例委予該局的職能; |
(d) | 不時聘用管理局認為需要或適當的專業顧問; |
(e) | 訂立關於註冊營造監工的操守及紀律的規則; |
(f) | 就補選任何人因處理管理局事務而承擔的合理開支訂立規則;及 |
(g) | 按本規例規定訂立其他規則。 |
註:無須支付酬金予任何一位管理局成員。 |
主席 | : | 岑厚德營造師 |
副主席 | : | 何賜明博士營造師 |
成員 | : | 陳沛豐營造師 |
霍德洪營造師 | ||
黎樹生營造師 | ||
李褔沛博士營造師 | ||
梁劍峰營造師 | ||
李德康營造師 | ||
謝偉正營造師 | ||
林健榮營造師(香港建造商會代表) | ||
莊國明先生(香港機電工程聯會代表) | ||
袁雄偉先生(香港建築業承建商聯會代表) |
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