
Disclaimer for Use of HKICM Website

The Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (“Institute” or “HKICM”) maintains this website for informational purposes only and mainly to provide information to its members and the public as well as to act as a platform for HKICM members to provide information or to express their views for general purposes only.

Under no circumstances does this website purport to be comprehensive. The Institute does not warrant that all information or views or any part thereof provided or contained in this website is comprehensive or accurate in all aspects. The Institute shall not be held liable for any loss or damages suffered as a result of any use or reliance on any of the information or views provided or contained in all aspects.

Links to certain external websites are provided through this website. Provision of such links does not in any circumstances imply that the Institute endorses the content of any such external sites, nor does the Institute have any responsibilities for that content.

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