Collaboration Agreements

Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers has established close relationship with various building and construction professional institutions and associations in Mainland China, Macau and overseas.

Throughout the years, the Institute has entered into Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) / Memorandum of Co-Operation (MoC) on collaboration with other peer professional bodies and associations, including:

  • 香港建築師學會 Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA);
  • 香港工程師學會 The Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE) – 建造分部 Building Division
  • 中國建築業協會建造師分會 China Construction Industry Association (CCIA);
  • 廣東省建築業協會 Guangdong Construction Industry Association (GDCIA);
  • 廣東省公路學會 Guangdong Highway and Transportation Society (GHTS);
  • 廣東省土木建築學會 Guangdong Society of Civil Engineering and Architecture (GDSCEA);
  • 粵港澳人才協作辦公室;
  • 廣州南沙經濟技術開發區人才發展局;
  • 湖南省建築業協會 Hunan Construction Industry Association (HNCIA);
  • 湖南省土木建築學會 Civil Engineering and Architectural Society of Hunan Province (CEASHN);
  • 湖南省企業科協聯合會、湖南省技術創新方法研究會 Federation of Science and Technology Enterprise Associations of Hunan Province & Technological innovation Methods Research Association of Hunan Province (HNQYKX);
  • 澳洲建造師學會 Australian Institute of Building (AIB);
  • 英國特許建築工程師學會 Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE);
  • 英國特許建造學會 Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) (Hong Kong);
  • 國際專家學會 Institute of International Experts (IIE); and
  • 新加坡建築學會 Singapore Institute of Building Limited (SIBL)

to enhance the professionalism of construction professionals and building engineers as well as their memberships in respective country or area.

For details of the agreements, please refer to the following links:

香港營造師學會 (HKICM) 與 廣東省土木建築學會 (GDSCEA) 會員互認協議書_20230616
MoU on Collaboration between HKICM and CABE (HK)_20221031
MoC on Collaboration between HKICM and HKIE (Building Division)_20220602
MoU on Collaboration between HKICM and IIE_20220407
MoU on Collaboration between HKICM and CIOB_20210715
MoU on Collaboration between HKICM and SIBL_20210629
MoU on Collaboration between HKICM and HKIA_20210404
MoU on Collaboration between HKICM and CICES_20200317
湖南省建築業協會 (HNCIA) 與香港營造師學會 (HKICM) 合作交流框架協議書_20190516
湖南省土木建築學會 (CEASHN) 與香港營造師學會 (HKICM) 合作交流框架協議書_20190516
湖南省企業科協聯合會、湖南省技術創新方法研究會 (HNQYKX) 與香港營造師學會 (HKICM) 合作交流框架協議書_20190516
廣東省建築業協會 (GDCIA) 與香港營造師學會 (HKICM) 合作交流協議書_20180517
中國建築業協會建造師分會 (CCIA) 與香港營造師學會 (HKICM) 合作交流協議書_20080906

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