Membership Classes

Member Class [MHKICM] (with Voting Rights)

Route to Member Class of Membership

There are 3 routes to the Member Class of membership:

Eligibility for Admission or Transfer

(1) The Formal Academic Qualification and Professional Training Route (The Normal Route)

For admission or transfer to the Member Class via the academic and professional training route, a Candidate must:

  • be at least of 25 years of age;
  • fulfil the academic requirements* of the Institute;
  •  have had post qualification professional experience of a minimum of four years of an approved nature in the HKSAR or mainly in the HKSAR;
  • pass the Professional Assessment, if so requested at the discretion of the General Council;
  • pass the Professional Interview, if the Candidate is exempted from the whole or part of the Professional Assessment due to the exemption allowed under the recognized qualification of Corporate Membership of other recognized professional bodies.

* Academic qualifications that meet the requirements of the Institute for the Member Class are:

  •  A cognate honors degree in Construction or related disciplines as assessed by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) as being of equal status; or the recognized programmes in Section 7 of Membership Handbook, or

  • Other acceptable qualifications, such as full membership of an approved professional body, as the General Council may designate as being of equal status.

(2) The Mature Route

For admission to Member Class via the Mature Route, Candidates must:

  • be at least of 35 years of age at the date of application;
  • have had a minimum of ten years of experience (of which at least three years should be in the HKSAR or mainly in the HKSAR) in posts of generally increasing responsibility within a recognized discipline in the construction field;
  • have attained a position demonstrating a level of competence that would have admitted the Candidate to the class of Member had the Candidate satisfied the normal academic requirements;
  • submit a Written Report and pass the Professional Assessment.


The Written Report

Candidates of at least 35 years of age who seek entry via the Mature Route must have had at least ten years of professional level experience. Candidates in this category are persons with considerable responsible experience within a recognized discipline in the construction field, but lacking the normal academic qualifications prescribed for Corporate Membership. Such a person may, if his candidature is approved, seek admission to the class of Member by submitting a Written Report under the supervision of an appropriate supervisor on the subject of an approved construction or building related topic and passing the Professional Assessment.

The Report shall be typewritten in English in the range of 5,000 to 8,000 words, on a subject approved by the Institute. Original papers must be typewritten or printed, preferably in double spacing, on single sides of A4 paper. Two copies shall be provided and, signed by an appropriate supervisor to certify it is the Candidate’s own work. In the Paper, the Candidate shall be expected to offer an ordered and critical exposition of the subject, defining the problems, detailing managerial solutions and the application of managerial and technological principles to practical construction problems.

(3) The Direct Membership Referral (DMR) Scheme Route

Details of the Direct Membership Referral Scheme are as follows:


The DMR Scheme to be valid until 31 December 2024.


Corporate Members of the following professional institutions, being recognized as equivalent to that of MHKICM under the Scheme, together with relevant working experience as required by HKICM:

  • The People’s Republic of China (Constructor 一級建造師, Class 1 Registered Architect 一級註冊建築師, Class 1 Cost Engineer 一級造價工程師, Senior Engineer 高級工程師)
  • Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA)
  • Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) (Building, Civil, Structural, Building Services or Geotechnical Division)
  • Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) (Building Surveying or Quantity Surveying Division)
  • Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE)
  • Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)
  • Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
  • Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) (Building Surveying, Quantity Surveying & Construction, Project Management Path)
Application Procedures:

The Candidate is required to submit the following:

– A completed and duly signed Direct Membership Referral Scheme (DMR) Application Form endorsed by TWO members of the General Council of HKICM.

– All supporting documents, including diploma(s)/ certificate(s) covering academic and professional qualifications, details of CV, employment details and record of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)  must be submitted together with the application. All the aforesaid documents must be certified by ONE member of the General Council of HKICM.

– 3 cheques – one for Application Fee, one for Entrance Fee and one for Subscription Fee should be made payable to “Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers” and attached to the application form.

– All candidates applying for Member Class of Membership via DMR Scheme Route are required to attend a Professional Interview while the Test Paper and Training and Experience Report will be waived.


1. The Membership Application Fee is HK$800.00 (non-refundable) payable to HKICM upon submission of application.

2. The Entrance Fee is HK$1,000.00 and Membership Subscription Fee is current Annual Membership Subscription Fee payable to HKICM by cheques, attached to the Application Form, to be debited only upon admission.

3. Payments – 3 separate cheques, one for application fee of HK$800.00 (non-refundable), one for entrance fee of HK$1,000.00 and the other  for membership subscription, must be attached to the Application Form, crossed and payable to the ‘HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS’ Please make sure the cheques are good for payment, a returned cheque will invalidate the direct admission application without further notice.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

All applicants for Member Class of Membership are required to submit CPD Record of not less than 60 CPD hours, in which 6 CPD hours must be organized by the Institute, in the recent 2 years together with HKICM CPD Log Sheet and supporting documents. (e.g. certificate of attendance, etc.) 

Guidelines & Rules Governing the Acquisition of CPD

Professional Assessment

A Candidate seeking admission to the class of Member shall be required to attend a Professional Assessment. The Professional Assessment shall be conducted by a Panel of Professional Assessors delegated by the General Council for the purpose of assessing the extent to which a Candidate for the class of Member meets the admission requirements and to ascertain the quality of the Candidate’s technical and responsible experience within a recognized discipline in the construction field. Details of the Professional Assessment are given in Section 3 of Membership Handbook.

Application Procedure

Any Candidate desirous of being admitted as a Member must complete a Membership Application Form, duly signed by the requisite number of nominations. The completed application form should be submitted to the Secretariat marked for the attention of the Honorary Secretary together with separate cheques, one for the application fee, one for the entrance fee (for Member Class of Membership application only) and the other for the amount of membership subscription appropriate to the class of membership for which the Candidate seeks admission.

Certified true copies of academic and/or professional qualifications, duly certified true and correct by the Candidate and a recognized professional, must be submitted to the Institute together with the completed application form.

HKICM would normally inform the new applicants of their application feedback within six months from the date of receipt of the full set of required documents (duly signed and endorsed) and payments for application.

Application Form - Member Class

Fees and Subscriptions

The current application, transfer, re-instatement and annual subscription fees are detailed in Section 7 of Membership Handbook.

An applicant for election to the class of Member must submit, together with the application, the election application fee and the subscription fee. The subscription fee will only be charged by the Institute upon the successful election of the applicant. The election application fee, however, is non-refundable.

An applicant for transfer from Associate, Graduate or Student to the Member Class must submit, together with the application, the transfer application fee and, the difference in the subscription fees between the two grades of membership concerned. This difference will only be charged by the Institute upon the successful transfer of membership. The transfer application fee, however, is non-refundable.



  • All candidates for Member Class of Membership are required to attend a Professional Interview.
  • The acceptance and rejection of membership application is subject to the discretion of the Board of Examination and the approval of the General Council.
  • Other HKICM membership admission routes are also encouraged.

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