Registered as a HKICM Corporate Member (including Fellow and Member class of membership) signifies that you are properly qualified as a practising construction manager ;
Your professional competence and skills in construction management having been attested, verified and recognized;
Apart from recognition, your own competence and skills can be enhanced with HKICM continuing professional development events and training courses;
Entitlement to use a HKICM designation according to the class of membership;
Corporate Members are eligible to use the title of “Cr” (an abbreviation of and pronounced as “Construction Manager”) before their English names and “營造師” before their Chinese names (Use of Prefix “Cr” and Designation “RCM”);
Corporate Members registered under the Construction Manager Registration Regulations of the Institute are entitled to use the designation of “R.C.M.” (an abbreviation of “Registered Construction Manager”) after their English names and “註册營造師” after their Chinese names (Use of Prefix “Cr” and Designation “RCM”);
Update industry news and information about the development of construction management in respect of unsound practices, public health, safety, environmental protection, etc;
Discounted rates for HKICM continuous professional development events, training courses, conferences and seminars.