Councillors Reaching Out

5 Oct

CIC Construction Luncheon

HKICM President, Cr Tony ZA and Immediate Past President Cr Daniel SHUM, Hon Presidents Cr Paul CHUNG, Cr TANG Chi-wang, Cr Raymond LEUNG, together with Vice Presidents Cr Conrad FUNG, Cr Terence MANG, Cr Billy LEE, and Executive Committee members Cr Dick LI, and Cr Simon LEUNG attended the CIC Construction Luncheon on 5th October 2021 organised by Construction Industry Council to farewell Ir LAM Sai-hung, GBS, JP, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works).

Mr CHAN Ka-kui, Chairman of CIC and Ir LAM delivered their speeches to kick-off the celebration. Guests and friends gathered under the same roof to pay their tribute to the tremendous contribution made by Ir LAM over the past 34 years serving the community and industry. Ir LAM extended his thank you to the public support and reiterated the value as a gatekeeper of quality and standards as well as the importance of innovation. It’s a joyful event with lots of fun and touching moments.

4 Oct


香港營造師學會監工註冊事務委員會主席 黃明輝營造師於10月4日到訪VTC  青年學院(九龍灣)為建築科技職專文憑學生介紹學會簡介及建造業出路分享講座。

1 Oct


營造師學會會長 謝偉正營造師、副會長 孟家榮營造師、 義務秘書 梁劍峰營造師 義務司庫 李國煥營造師、 監工註冊事務委員會主席 黃明輝營造師、 持續專業發展委員會秘書 黃偉琳營造師,於十月一日上午出席 「 建造業無碳天地國慶升旗儀式」,及之後安排之早餐聚會。  祝賀祖國繼續繁榮昌盛、國泰民交,亦祝願各位國慶假期快樂!


27 Sep

香港工商界/香港建造界 慶祝中華人民共和國成立七十二周年國慶典禮

營造師學會會長 謝偉正營造師、前會長岑厚德營造師、榮譽會長鄧智宏營造師、副會長馮國強營造師,於九月廿七日出席 「香港工商界同胞慶祝中華人民共和國成立十二周年暨中國共產黨成立100周年」,及「香港建造界慶祝中華人民共和國成立七十二周年國慶典禮」。 中華人民共和國七十二載,國力大增、社會繁榮安定、人民生活富足、國家躍進世界第二大經濟體。 祝願祖國繼續昌盛富強!


12 Sep


香港營造師學會一向關懷社區。 中秋將至,學會聯同 “城市睦福團契” 舉行「中秋關愛行動」,除贊助有關單位安排中秋禮包予基層家庭,更加身體力行! 會長 謝偉正營造師,連同 副會長 孟家榮營造師、義務秘書 李德康營造師、青年組委員會主席 陳偉林營造師、資深會員委員會秘書 關泉堅營造師、 財務委員會秘書 梁遠成營造師、 青年委員會秘書黃仲玄營造師,化身為義工,9月12日於 將軍澳明德邨 派發 中秋禮包。 據悉,學會之贊助,可惠及約500家庭。 對於學會能盡綿力,幫助有需要社群,甚感恩惠!

10 Sep


香港營造師學會會長 謝偉正營造師,於九月十日 獲邀前往 註冊專門行業承造商聯會 創會就職典禮晚宴,並與會長陳落齊先生、眾榮譽創會會長、名譽創會會長、榮譽顧問、幹事、嘉賓等合照,見証聯會各委員宣誓就職。 專門行業承造商經規範註冊、提升營造質素!


9 Sep

BEAM Plus Date Centres v1.0 Launch Ceremony

HKICM President, Cr Tony ZA & Hon President Cr Eddy LAM, attended the「BEAM Plus v.10 Launch Ceremony」on 9th September, 2021 organised by the BEAM Society (建築環保評估協會) and HKGBC (香港綠色建築議會). Mr Alfred SIT, JP – Secretary for Innovation & Technology: and Mr. WONG Kam Sing, GBS, JP – Secretary for the Environment, delivered their speech to kick-off the Ceremony.
The BEAM Plus Data Centre strikes to achieve provisional BEAM GOLD rating, notwithstanding the traditional perception of energy consuming for Data Centre. During the Ceremony, Mr. WONG Kam Sing plead for joint efforts to achieve Carbon Neutral @ Y2050.
9 Aug

Courtesy visit to Architectural Services Department

HKICM President, Cr Tony ZA with core Office Bearers and PR & Liaison Committee representatives paid a courtesy visit to Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) on 9th August.

Greeted by Director HO Wing-yin, Winnie, JP, Deputy Director TSE Cheong-wo, Edward, JP, and Assistant Director TSE Kam-leung, JP, President ZA presented an update on the Institute with highlights on the growing recognition of the Registered Construction Manager professional qualification.  Director Winnie HO gave an impressive overview of ArchSD, a focal point of diversity and innovation in carrying out community building and works projects. Constructive exchanges were made between the two organisations.

A number of collaborations have been initiated including interdisciplinary seminars and forums to share insights and perspectives from construction managers, architects, and engineers on the built ecosystem. It’s expected that close collaboration and working relationship between HKICM and ArchSD will be continued to tackle future challenges in the industry.


22 Jul



22 Jul

2021 青年魯班選舉 頒奬典禮

香港營造師學會會長 謝偉正營造師、榮譽會長及香港魯班廣悅堂主席 長鍾冠文營造師、榮譽會長及香港建造商會會長 林健榮營造師、榮譽會長及香港魯班廣悅堂高級副主席 鄧智宏營造師、副會長 孟家榮營造師、義務司庫 李國煥營造師、青年組委員會主席 陳偉林營造師,於農曆六月十三日魯班先師寶誕,出席慶賀魯班先師寶誕,同時出席「2021 青年魯班選舉」頒奬典禮,頒發獎項予今屆 青年魯班選舉「工程管理」組别 及「技術工藝」組別 得獎者。 香港營運師學會亦為今屆比賽協辦機構之一。

學會衷心祝賀得獎嘅從業員,繼續努力不懈! 亦期望其他從業員都以佢地作為典範,使建造業嘅人力質素不斷提高,行業持續發展。

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