Councillors Reaching Out

16 Nov


營造師學會會長 謝偉正營造師、副會長 孟家榮營造師,於十一月十五日下午出席由 香港建造業分包商聯會及 發展局 主辦、香港建造業議會支持,於九龍灣零碳天地舉行之「 建造安全論壇2021」。 論壇以實體及線上進行,有超過一仟四百人仕參予,通過研討會,探討如何提升行業安全管理及水平。


11 Nov

HKCA Young Members Society 10th Anniversary Dinner

HKICM President: Cr Tony ZA, being invited and attended HKCA Young Members Society (YMS)10th Anniversary Dinner, held at Harbour Grand Hong Kong Hotel on 11th November 2021 night, and photo with other VIPs.


10 Nov

HKU Civil Engineering Society Annual Dinner 2021

HKICM President: Cr Tony ZA; and Immediate Past President: Cr Daniel SHUM, being invited as Honourable Guests, attended HKU Civil Engineering Society Annual Dinner 2021, held at The Langham Hong Kong on 10th November 2021 night.
HKU ENS Civil Engineering Society, established in 2001, is a student-run and academic-oriented organization to facilitate communication between the Society members and industrial leaders, and aims to assist students with academic and career aspects. Theme of this year’s dinner is “Breakthroughs in Engineering”, with Guests of Honour sharing their insight on how to break through on engineering technologies & innovation.
5 Nov

CIC Sustainable Finance Certification Scheme Launching Ceremony

HKICM Vice-President Cr Conrad FUNG was invited and attended CIC Sustainable Finance Certification Scheme Launching Ceremony, held at JW Marriott Hotel on 5th November 2021.

In support of the HKSAR Government’s recent pledge to position Hong Kong as a leading sustainable finance hub in Asia and achieve carbon neutrality before 2050, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) launches the CIC Sustainable Finance Certification Scheme to provide a common framework and user-friendly assessment system to facilitate the application of sustainable finance for the construction industry.
29 Oct



27 Oct

Architectural Services Department 35th Anniversary Event Night

HKICM President: Cr Tony ZA; Honorary President Prof Cr KL TAM / Cr Eddie LAM; Vice-President Cr Conrad FUNG / Cr Billy LEE, being invited and attended Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) 35th Anniversary Event Night, held at their Community Hub on 27th October 2021.
Established in1986, ArchSD has marked its 35th Anniversary. Theme of the Event is “We build out City. We Build Your Dream” 「建城。築夢」. ArchSD, being the major public projects developers in HK, had delivered more than 1,650 remarkable and landmark projects, and maintaining more than 5,500 government developments. ArchSD will continue to build for a better Hong Kong.

25 Oct


香港營造師學會榮譽會長梁海明教授營造師和榮譽會長鄧智宏營造師,於 10 月 25 日(星期一)出席由香港中聯辦、香港特區政府與中國建築集團共同主辦「時代精神耀香江」之大國建造主題展開幕典禮。主禮嘉賓包括香港特別行政區行政長官林鄭月娥女士、中央政府 駐港聯絡辦盧新寧副主任。


23 Oct

Campus Sharing at Hong Kong Institute of Construction, Kowloon Bay Campus

Meeting the students and experience sharing workshops are held over two consecutive weekends (23 & 30 Oct) at Kowloon Bay Campus of HKIC by Cr Dick LI, Honorary Secretary cum Chairman of Membership Board of HKICM.
“It was incredibly helpful in helping me understand the benefits of obtaining the construction manager qualification to its fullest potential. I look forward to implementing what I learnt in the future and be elected as a corporate member of HKICM” was the consensual comment after the briefing.



23 Oct

CPD Site Visit – 中環街市導賞團

經過復修及活化再用的中環街市,以「Playground for All」的概念,為市民大眾打造一個獨一無二的「遊樂場」。持續專業發展委員會主席 盧嘉燕營造師 、監工註冊事務委員會主席 黃明輝營造師及一眾出席的會員,由中環街市的導賞員帶大家探索中環街市的歷史文化痕跡,以及穿梭新面貌登場的中環街市。


23 Oct

HKIS Quantity Surveying Division Conference 2021

HKICM President: Cr Tony ZA, being invited and attended HKIS Quantity Surveyor Division Conference 2021, on 23rd October 2021.
Theme of the Conference is : “Forging Ahead : Practical Solutions in Quantity Surveying”. Ms. Winnie HO, Director of Architectural Services Department, kick-started the Conference by delivering her Keynote opening speech, presenting their journey on digitalisation & innovative way to dealt with tendering; Quantity Surveying practice & contractual issues for ArchSD projects. Follows with, prestige speakers delivered their speeches on issues in wide spectrum of areas in related to Quantity Surveying practice.

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