Councillors Reaching Out

2 Dec

香港建造業議會 傑出承建商大獎頒獎典禮 2021

香港營造師學會會長 謝偉正營造師、副會長 馮國強營造師,獲邀參加12月2日於政府禮賓府舉辦之「建造業議會 建出承建商大獎頒獎典禮 2021」。 由香港特區政府行政長宫 林鄭月娥女仕 GBM GBS 親自頒獎。 「傑出承建商大獎」乃首屆舉辦,其後每三年舉辦。 今屆有超過五十多間參賽者,得賽者實至名歸,榮獲獎項,除對獲獎承建商予以肯定之外,對同業亦可作借鏡,共同進步。


2 Dec

The Graduation Ceremony

VP Cr Conrad Fung, VP Cr Billy Lee, and representatives of General Council was invited to join the graduation ceremony of the University of Wolverhampton and the School of Continuing and Professional Education, the City University of Hong Kong, held today at Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Centre (KITEC), Kowloon Bay.


1 Dec

DevB Seminar for Young Construction Professional – Catching the Next Wave

HKICM President: Cr Tony ZA, being invited and attended the Seminar for Young Construction Professionals – Catching the Next Wave, organised by Development Bureau at Central Government Office on 1st December 2021 morning. The Institute also nominated four young members to join the Seminar: Cr Math CHAN (Young Members Committee Chairman); Cr Phyllis CHAN (Award winner of Young Construction Manager 2020); Cr Ryan LEUNG & Cr Gene WONG (Young construction managers practitioners).
Construction Industry counts 9% of GDP for HKSAR – one of the major contributor to sustain economy for the territory. With the forecast of $300+ billion development projects coming annually, this Seminer hopes to factitlate construction practitioners, especially young construction professionals, to equip and prepare for catching the new waves & new era.
27 Nov


營造師學會會長 謝偉正營造師,於十一月廿七日上午出席由 註冊專門行業承造商聯會主辦、於九龍灣零碳天地舉行之「 註冊專門行業管理研討會」,通過研討會,期望提升專門行業承造商各方面管理水平。


26 Nov

CIOB(HK) Annual Dinner 2021 cum CMYA 2020 HK Presentation Ceremony

HKICM President: Cr Tony ZA with respective General Council Members, being invited and attended CIOB(HK) Annual Dinner 2021 cum Construction Manager of the Year Awards (CMYA) Hong Kong 2020 Presentation Ceremony, held at New World Millennium Hotel on 26th November 2021 night.
Congrats to our General Council Member : Cr Eddie Yeung, who awarded GOLD in Heritage Conservation catalogue!
26 Nov

Courtesy visit to Development Bureau

HKICM President, Cr Tony ZA with core Office Bearers and PR & Liaison Committee representatives paid a courtesy visit to Development Bureau on 26th November.
Greeted by Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) Mr C K LAU, Ricky, JP, Deputy Secretary (Works) Ir CHAU Siu-hei, Francis, JP, Principal Assistant Secretary (Works) Mr HO Ying-kit, Tony and Chief Assistant Secretary (Works) Mr HAU Kin-man, Percy, President ZA presented an update on the Institute with highlights on the growing recognition of the Registered Construction Manager professional qualification. Permanent Secretary LAU gave an enlightening overview of initiatives advanced by the Bureau, covering design for safety, development & conservation, carbon neutrality and talent development. Constructive dialogues were made between the two organisations.
Close collaboration and working relationship between HKICM and Development Bureau will be continued to deal with future challenges in the industry.
26 Nov

Hong Kong Institute of Construction Graduation Ceremony 2021

HKICM Honorary President, Cr Tang Chi-Wang was invited to attend the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Graduation Ceremony 2021 on 26th November 2021, at the Zero Carbon Building, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong.
Congratulations to all graduates!
25 Nov


香港營造師學會副會長 孟家榮營造師及一眾理事會代表,於2021年11月25日晚上 出席香港地產行政師學會 三十五週年晚宴,並與眾嘉賓合照留念。


22 Nov


香港營造師學會會長 謝偉正營造師,於2021年11月22日晚上 出席香港空調及冷凍商會 (ACRA) 六十週年晚宴, 並與眾嘉賓合照留念。


16 Nov

Visit Accessible and Adaptable Design Mock-up Flat Prototypes of Hong Kong Housing Society

Hong Kong Institute of Construction Manager (HKICM) is honored to be invited by Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) to have a site visit for its accessible and adaptable design mock-up flat prototypes at Kwun Tong on 12 Nov 2021.

Mr. Patrick Tsang, the General Manager (Planning & Development) of HKHS and his colleagues exchanged the design concepts, goals and visions for the future projects’ development with 19 numbers of event participants including Cr. ZA Wai-gin, Tony – President of HKICM, Cr SHUM Hau-tak, Daniel – Immediate Past President, Council members and members of HKICM. Both entities aim to provide a better living environment for the end users which will benefit Hong Kong in long terms with consideration of the social benefits for adoption of accessible and adaptable design in the future projects.


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