Councillors Reaching Out

4 Nov

Construction Safety Summit 2022

HKICM President Cr Conrad Fung and Vice President Cr Billy Lee attended Construction Safety Summit 2022 on 4 November 2022 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The Summit 2022 gathers leaders of key construction industry stakeholders to offer wisdom and jointly map out new directions for enhancing construction safety and safety management culture. The Summit 2022 includes a “Safety Charter” Signing Ceremony with all participating organizations to signify the safety commitment of the industry.


3 Nov

CIC – See What I See Luncheon

HKICM President Cr Conrad Fung attended “CIC – See What I See Luncheon” on 3 November 2022 at JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong. Mr. LAM Sai-hung, Secretary for Transport and Logistics discussed the new development of Hong Kong’s future transport network by sea, land and air, the role of the construction industry in related projects, and how such development can enhance Hong Kong’s interconnectivity among the Greater Bay Area and with the world, supporting the advancement for the Hong Kong logistics industry.


31 Oct

The Celebration for the 15th Anniversary of the Construction Industry Council and the Hong Kong Construction Exhibition Grand Opening Ceremony

HKICM Vice President Cr Terence Mang and Honorary Treasurer Cr Perry Lo attended “The Celebration for the 15th Anniversary of the Construction Industry Council and the Hong Kong Construction Exhibition Grand Opening Ceremony” on 31 October 2022 (Monday) at Main Hall of M+. It is a memorable year for the construction industry in Hong Kong as the Construction Industry Council (CIC) turns its 15th Anniversary.

28 Oct

Building Safety Symposium 2022

HKICM President Cr Conrad Fung and Vice President Cr Billy Lee attended Building Safety Symposium 2022 on 28 October 2022 (Friday) at XiquCentre Tsim Sha Tsui. The Symposium provides a platform for experience sharing among building professionals and property management practitioners on building health and safety in a holistic manner.

24 Oct

Building Safety Week 2022

HKICM President Cr Conrad Fung attended Building Safety Week 2022 Opening Ceremony on 22 October 2022 at the Atrium of Citywalk 1, Tsuen Wan. Building Safety Week 2022 is a major public education and publicity event organised by the Buildings Department (BD) to promote building safety.


7 Oct

CIC Construction Luncheon – Appreciation for Retired CIC Chairman and Members

HKICM President Cr Conrad Fung, Hon President Cr Tang Chi Wang, Immediate Past President Cr Tony Za, Vice President Cr Terence Mang, Cr Dick Li and Cr Billy Lee attended the CIC Construction Luncheon on 7 October 2022 at Hotel ICON. The luncheon expressed gratitude and appreciation to retired Chairman and Council Members for their contribution to the construction industry.

1 Oct



23 Sep

HKIS QS Awards 2022 Presentation Ceremony-cum-QSD Annual Dinner 2022

HKICM President Cr Conrad Fung, Hon President Cr Peter NG and Hon President Cr Eddie Lam attended the HKIS QS Awards 2022 Presentation Ceremony-cum-QSD Annual Dinner 2022 on 23 September 2022 at Hotel Icon. The objective of the awards is to recognize and honour the awardees for their high level of professionalism, as well as to awarding project and construction teams for their excellent contractual and financial performance in projects.

21 Sep




13 Sep

香港工商界同胞慶祝國慶大會“香港工商界同胞慶祝中華人民共和國成立73周年 暨慶祝香港特別行政區成立25周年•共譜香港新篇章”

營造師學會會長馮國強營造師、榮譽會長岑厚德營造師及鍾冠文營造師於九月十三日出席“香港工商界同胞慶祝中華人民共和國成立73周年 暨慶祝香港特別行政區成立25周年•共譜香港新篇章” 香港工商界同胞慶祝國慶大會。祝願香港社會繁榮安定、人民生活富足!

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