28 May
2021 Meeting with Miss Alice CHOI, JP, District Officer (Kowloon City District Office, Home Affairs Department, HKSAR Government)HKICM President Cr Tony ZA, Immediate Past President Cr Daniel SHUM, Past President Cr TANG Chi Wang, Vice President Cr Terence MANG, and Secretary General Ernest LEUNG made a courtesy visit to Miss Alice CHOI, JP, District Officer (Kowloon City) on 28th May 2021. Miss Choi gave an impressive overview of Kowloon City, a place of diversity, and the Kowloon City District Office’s efforts in carrying out community building and minor works projects. Cr Tony ZA extended HKICM’s intent on closer collaboration and working relationship in return. Looking ahead, the redevelopment of the Kai Tak site and the construction of the Shatin-Central Link would lead to yet another regeneration of this district which both parties conceded will have ample opportunities for members of HKICM to contribute to the works of the Council. The delegates also expressed their gratitude to Miss Choi on presenting the “Chronicle on Kowloon City”, published to commemorate the historic heritage and development of Kowloon City over the years. Photos taken with Cr Tony ZA, President HKICM, Miss Alice CHOI, District Officer (Kowloon City), Cr Daniel SHUM, Immediate Past President HKICM, Cr TANG Chi Wang, Past President HKICM, Cr Terence MANG, Vice President HKICM, and Mr Ernest LEUNG, Secretary General HKICM |
27 May
2021 啟德區工地人員 新冠疫苗外展接種活動香港營造師學會 會長 謝偉正營造師、榮譽會長 林建榮營造師、副會長 馮國強營造師,於五月二十七日前往金門建築位於啓德之中九龍幹線工程辦事處,出席由公務員事務局/發展局協調安排、建造業議會及香港建造商會支持及發起之啓德區工地人員新冠疫苗外展接種活動,並與公務員事務局局長 聶德權太平紳士、發展局常任秘書長(工務) 林世雄太平紳士、 建造業議會主席 陳家駒太平紳士、及一眾主禮嘉賓合照。 據建造商會抽樣調查,現時已約有七萬名註工地人員接種新冠疫苗。 香港營造師支持各界人士、尤其建築業界,善用政府提供之設施及服務,積極接種疫苗,護己護人、走出逆境安心行! |
18 May
2021 Meeting with Chartered Association of Building Engineers (Hong Kong Chapter)HKICM President, Cr Tony Za attended a luncheon meeting with Mr Kyran Sze, Chairman, Hong Kong Chapter of Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) on Tuesday 18th May to explore closer collaboration and working relationship between the two Institutes. Constructive exchanges were made between the two parties. It’s expected to renew the MoU arrangement with CABE when Dr Gavin Dunn, CABE Chief Executive, visits HK this fall. The team made a short tour to HKICM Secretariat Office afterwards to reinforce bilateral relationship. Photos taken with Cr Tony Za, President HKICM, Mr Ernest LEUNG Secretary General HKICM, Mr Kyran SZE, Chairman, CABE Hong Kong Chapter, and Ms Vivian SIE, General Manager, CABE Hong Kong Chapter. |
14 May
2021 建造業魯班飯行動建造業議會 轄下 ‘’建造業運動及義工計劃”,持續推廣義工活動,幫助社群。 香港營造師學會 亦不時參予支持。 議會發起之《建造業魯班飯行動》,學會除捐款贊助,更身體力行!會長 謝偉正營造師,聯同青年組委員會主席 陳偉林營造師 及 秘書 黃仲玄營造師、 培訓委員會秘書 李振邦營造師,五月十四日於 中華基督教女青年會佐敦會所化身義工,分發飯盒予附近居民,為社區基層,出一分綿力。
12 May
2021 學會代表與謝偉銓議員會面香港營造師學會副會長 馮國強營造師及內地與國際聯繫委員會主席 陳智敏營造師於2021年5月12日與 謝偉銓議員會面,跟進早前 謝偉銓立法會議員 為我們會員安排講座的情況,並代表議會及委員會致送紀念牌匾,傳達了會長及學會對謝偉銓議員一直以來的支持及感激,也順道提出了進一步跟謝偉銓議員安排續後其他活動的可能。 |
10 May
2021 Luncheon with HKIA President and IPPFollows the establishment of Memorandum of Understanding [MoU] between HKIA/HKICM, Presidents Cr Tony Za & Immediate Past President (IPP) Cr Daniel Shum, arranged a luncheon with President of HKIA Mr. Donald Choi & their Immediate Past President (IPP) Mr. Felix Li, on 10th May 2021. There have been fruitful discussion and exchanges between the two parties, such as thoughts on future development of the industry, and further collaboration and knowledge exchanges amongst Members. Wish the cooperation between the two Institutes will flourish! |
7 May
2021 拜訪中西區民政事務專員香港營造師學會會長 謝偉正營造師、前會長 鄧智宏營造師、副會長 馮國強營造師,於五月七日拜訪中西區民政事務專員 梁子琪太平紳士。 |
15 Apr
2021 VTC WorldSkills Competition HK – Building Information Modelling (BIM) CompetitionHKICM President Cr Tony ZA; Hon President Cr Eddie Lam; Past President Cr Chi-Wang Tang, have been invited by Vocational Training Council (VTC) as VIP for the Campaign & Ceremony held at THEi (Tsing Yi), and present Certificate of Participation to the Competitors.
16 Mar
2021 謝偉銓議員 – 全面完善香港選舉制度、實現愛國者治港 議案討論香港營造師學會 會長謝偉正營造師、上任會長岑厚德營造師 於2021年3月16日參予 謝偉銓議員向業界專業團體舉辦之「全面完善香港選舉制度、實現愛國者治港 議案討論會」。 會上謝議員向各專業團體代表簡報 總理工作報告、十四五規劃綱要,及簡述《全國人民代表大會關於完善香港選舉制度、實現愛國者治港議案》,席間各專業團體互相交流、踴躍發表意見。
15 Mar
2021 香港建造業總工會錦上路會員工藝交流中心香港營造師學會 會長謝偉正營造師、榮譽會長鍾冠文營造師 / 伍又宜營造師、前會長鄧智宏營造師、上任會長岑厚德營造師、副會長馮國強營造師 於2021年3月15日拜訪 香港建造業總工會 錦上路會員工藝交流中心。 建造業總工會 黃平理事長、謝宏儒秘書長及一眾主任盛情招待,席間大家積極交換意見,獲益良多! |
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