CS Registration Board

RCS Registration

Qualifications for Registration

The Board shall not register a person as a Registered Construction Supervisor (RCS) unless:

(a)he is a Construction Supervisor Member or above classes of membership of the Institute for not less than 6 months; and
(b)he possesses equivalent qualifications required for a TCP T1 under the Technical Memorandum for Supervision Plan 2009; and
(c)he satisfies the Board that he has had 2 years’ relevant construction supervisory experience in Hong Kong before the date of his application for registration; and
(d)he is ordinarily resident in Hong Kong; and
(e)he is not the subject of an inquiry committee or a disciplinary order under Part IV which precludes him from being registered under these Regulations; and
(f)he satisfies the Board by declaration in writing that he is competent to practise in construction supervision; and
(g)he is a fit and proper person to be registered.

The Register

The registration as a R.C.S. is valid for one year (runs from 1 April of current year to 31 March of the following year). Once registered, the person is eligible to use the title “Registered Construction Supervisor” and the initials “R.C.S.” and a registration certificate will be issued to the person. The name and other relevant particulars of the Registered Construction Supervisor will then be entered into the Register.


The Register of R.C.Ss. is available for public inspection free of charge during normal office hours at the Board’s office and the list of the R.C.Ss. is also available in this Homepage.

Renewal of Registration

A R.C.S. should apply for renewal of registration prior to the expiry of his/her current registration. The Regulations have stipulated that a R.C.S.’s application for renewal of registration should only be approved if he/she continues to comply with the requirements for registration.

Application Submission

The Board normally processes applications for registration twice a year and applications for renewal once a year. These applications should be made to the Board by completing the prescribed forms. The Board has also issued guidelines on the requirements for registration to assist the processing of these applications.

Procedures for Application

  1. Any person fulfilling the qualifications for registration can download the application form enclosed below or obtain a hard copy of it from the Board’s Office at Rooms 801-2, 8/F., On Lok Yuen Building, 25 Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.
  2. The completed application form, together with the relevant documents and fees should be sent to the Board’s Office.
  3. After acceptance by the Board for inclusion in the Register, a Certificate of Registration will be sent to the successful applicant.

RCS Application Form

Annual Registration Fee and Application Fee

With immediate effect, the Annual Registration Fee and Application Fee for registration as a Registered Construction Supervisor (RCS) shall be as follows:

RCS Annual Registration Fee   $200.00
RCS Application Fee $200.00












  1.  任何符合註冊資格的人士可從本網頁上下載申請表格或前往營造監工註冊管理局的辦事處索取申請表格一份,地址香港中環德輔道中25號安樂園大厦8樓801-2室。
  2. 填妥的申請表連同所需費用及証件需遞交至營造監工註冊管理局的辦事處,地址如上。
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