CM Registration Board

Register of Registered Construction Managers


The Register, established under Section 6 of the Regulations, keeps a list of all the Registered Construction Managers (“R.C.M.”). The Register is accessible by members of the public for inspection (free of charge). The list of registered construction managers in the Register shown is to enable a member of the public to ascertain whether a person is a R.C.M.

The information contained in the Register and made available in the Institute’s website shall only be used for purposes contemplated under the Regulations. Use of personal data therein for any purpose unrelated to the intended purpose is prohibited.

Please note that this Register would be updated from time to time. For specific enquires on the latest information of the Register, please contact the Registrar by phone at (852) 2523 2081 or by email:

The Register​

We are pleased to announce that the HKICM Register of Registered Construction Managers is now available to view. This Register lists all the 271 professional construction managers who have successfully admitted by the Construction Managers Registration Board up to 1 April 2024.

(1)Total 118 members registered as the 1st batch of Registered Construction Managers on 22 Sep 2014
(2)Total 46 members registered as the 2nd batch of Registered Construction Managers on 25 Feb 2015
(3)Total 35 members registered as the 3rd batch of Registered Construction Managers on 21 Aug 2015
(4)Total 13 members registered as the 4th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 29 Feb 2016
(5)Total 4 members registered as the 5th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 9 Sep 2016
(6)Total 7 members registered as the 6th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 17 Mar 2017
(7)Total 9 members registered as the 7th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 25 Aug 2017
(8)Total 11 members registered as the 8th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 1 Apr 2018
(9)Total 9 members registered as the 9th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 24 aug 2018
(10)Total 4 members registered as the 10th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 1 Apr 2019
(11)Total 7 members registered as the 11th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 20 Sep 2019
(12)Total 6 members registered as the 12th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 1 Apr 2020
(13)Total 5 members registered as the 13th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 5 Aug 2020
(14)Total 5 members registered as the 14th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 26  Feb 2021
(15)Total 4 members registered as the 15th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 10 Aug 2021
(16)Total 4 members registered as the 16th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 16 Feb 2022
 (17)Total 11 members registered as the 17th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 10 Aug 2022
(18)Total 7 members registered as the 18th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 24 Feb 2023
(19)Total 5 members registered as the 19th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 22 August 2023
(20)Total 5 members registered as the 20th batch of Registered Construction Managers on 23 Feb 2024

    List of Registered Construction Managers (up to 1 April 2024)

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