
  • Rules of Conduct & Bye-Laws of the Institute stipulates that members shall discharge their duties with complete fidelity and probity, in particular they shall: keep themselves informed of current thinking and developments appropriate to the type and level of their responsibility.  They should be able to provide evidence that they have undertaken sufficient study and personal development to fulfil their professional obligations in accordance with the current guidelines for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)”.
  • The Institute, in such direction, organizes series of CPD activities for its members aiming to enhance professional competency and formulates/reviews the guidelines for CPD on periodic basis.
  • Members are strongly urged to participate in full CPD activities as this will substantially contribute to the enhancement of their professional competency.  In addition, members are required to maintain their own proper records as evidence of compliance with CPD requirements must be produced upon application for admission, upgrade, transfer and reinstatement of membership.
CPD Requirements
  1. It was resolved by the General Council during the meeting held on 3 August 2016 that ALL members should complete a minimum of 30 hours per year, in which 3 CPD hours must be organized by the Institute, on a mandatory basis starting from 1 April 2017.

  2. Mandatory CPD requirements shall apply to all classes of membership except the classes of Construction Supervisor, Graduate and Student where such requirements are optional.

  3. A Guidance Notes explaining the administrative framework and implementation details of the new CPD Policy as well as the CPD Log Sheet are attached below.
Guidelines & Rules Governing the Acquisition of CPD
  1. CPD is the systematic acquisition, maintenance, improvement and broadening of relevant knowledge and skills, and the development of personal qualities necessary for the effective execution of professional duties throughout the construction manager’s working career
  2. The following table provides a quick reference to the variety of activities that qualify for CPD. The list is not exhaustive and serves as examples only.
    Types of CPDExamples
    Seminar and Training 
    (attending or  presenting)
    (min. 10 hours required per year)
    • Courses, seminars, conferences, forums, site visits
    • Workshops, talks and briefing sessions
    • Lecturing on careers / the profession
    Structured Learning and Programmes
    (subject to a max. claim of 14 hours per year, including a max. of 10 hours for in-house training)
    • Full / part-time study
    • Open / distance learning
    • In-house staff training and site visits
    • Developing skills (e.g. IT, business / financial skills)
    • Research for publications
    Community, Institutional and Social Services
    (subject to a max. claim of 10 hours per year)
    • Council, board, committee and task/working group attendance (professional institutions or external organizations)
    • PA assessor / interviewer & external examiner preparation and assessment
    • Mentors, tutors and supervisors of students or trainees in the construction management field
    • Voluntary works for the community
    Private Study / Self Learning
    (subject to a max. claim of 8 hours per year)
    • Book / journal reading
    • Use of audio, video, or multi‐media resources
  3. CPD should be balanced between matters of direct technical relevance as well as broader study in the furtherance of construction profession such as communication, environmental matters, financial management, leadership skills, legal aspects, marketing, occupational safety and health and professional ethics.
  4. All members, except the classes of Construction Supervisor, Graduate and Student where CPD requirements are optional, should complete a minimum of 30 hours per year, in which 3 CPD hours must be organized by the Institute, on a mandatory basis starting from 1 April 2017. A minimum of 10 hours should fall within the type of ‘Seminar and Training’; a maximum of 14 hours for ‘Structured Learning and Programmes’, a maximum of 10 hours for ‘Community, Institutional and Social Services’ and a maximum of 8 hours per year for ‘Private Study/Self Learning’.
  5. The format of CPD activities can include but not limited to participating and organizing of courses, lectures, seminars, symposia, conferences, presentations, workshops, industrial attachment and visits, e-learning and professional activities which are carried out by the Institute or other peer organizations.
  6. All members (including fellows and associates) would be required to declare whether they have met the CPD requirements at the annual membership renewal with effect from 1 April 2017.
  7. The Institute may carry out CPD spot‐checks on a percentage of the membership throughout the year. When asked to submit CPD details, members (including fellows and associates) should keep the original and submit a copy of the CPD Log Sheet《sample attached》for the period specified, normally one or more of the previous two years. Supporting documents such as receipts, tickets, and certificates are normally not required to be submitted, but should be retained in case more information on a particular item is requested.
  8. Members who are not able to provide adequate evidence to support the fulfillment of the required CPD hours shall be required to be reviewed in one year time. It is expected that the member will complete a minimum of 30 hours of CPD during that year, and continue to accumulate more CPD hours as other members do. Cases of continuing non‐compliance of this requirement shall be dealt with individually by the Board of Membership and the Council as appropriate.
CPD Events Validation Process & Guidelines for Providers

In order to ascertain the nature and content of the CPD Events meeting the members’ requirements of life-long learning and enhancement of professionalism, the Institute has established a validation system to govern the standards of individual CPD Events. For details, please refer to the “Validation Process & Guidelines for Providers” below.

Validation Process & Guidelines for Providers

CPD&T Form 1 - Event Proposal Form

CPD&T Form 2 - Training Affiliate Registration Form

CPD&T Form 3 - Affiliated Training Course Proposal Form


HKICM welcomes proposals from speakers on specific seminar topics, sponsors of symposia and ideas, suggestions for technical and factory visits, workshops, joint CPD Events, training courses or programmes.

If you are interested in organizing or providing any CPD Events, please contact the HKICM Secretariat Office via e-mail: info@hkicm.org.hk.

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