Construction of a Boardwalk (i.e. a waterfront promenade) of approx. 2 km long serving as a pedestrian walkway, a cycleway including cycling facilities, 3 nos. of Movable Bridges (comprising of 2 nos. bascule bridges and 1 no. of swing bridge) and landscaping areas with sitting out facilities with shelter. The western section runs from Oil Street to Tong Shui Road, whereas the eastern section runs from Tin Chiu Street to Hoi Yu Street. These two sections will be connected by the existing North Point Promenade.
Ir Louis Chu, Resident Engineer (RE) of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited briefed the participants the project background and its current progress, shared experiences on the works and challenges of boardwalk deck installations, precast shell and the safety innovation adopted in the project such as remote control life-saving device, roborigger, underwater drone, 3D cave and smart watch system. Sr Edmond Kwan, Resident Quantity Surveyor (RQS) of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited then introduced the administration and challenge of the NEC4 ECC Option C contract followed by a Q&A session and a site tour of the eastern section of the Boardwalk.
Cr Alfred Tang, President of HKICM and Sr Tim Ngai, Chairman of the HKIS QSD made opening remarks and jointly presented certificates of appreciation to Ir Louis Chu and Sr Edmond Kwan on behalf of Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited (“Meinhardt”).
In addition to Ir Louis Chu and Sr Edmond Kwan’s sharing their extraordinary insights, challenges and experiences with the adoption of safety innovation, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Ir Neil M. K. Wong, Chief Resident Engineer (CRE), Ir Jeff C. K. Chan, Resident Engineer (RE) and all the teammates of Meinhardt’s excellent efforts in the successful delivery of this event.
Thank you for Cr Angel Man (Vice Chair of HKICM CPD Committee) and Cr Alvin Man (Member of HKICM CPD Committee)’s help, and all the participants in joining the site visit.
And special thanks to Cr Betty Lo, Chairperson of HKICM CPD Committee’s great efforts in organising the CPD event.