Quality Building Award 2024 Pre-award Seminar 4 – Heritage Buildings: Sustainable Adaptive Reuse for Social Inclusion and Economic Viability

5 February 2024

QBA 2024 Pre-Award Seminar aims to showcase the success stories of previous winners. The theme of the fourth seminar is “Heritage Buildings: Sustainable Adaptive Reuse for Social Inclusion and Economic Viability”. This seminar aims to explore sustainable adaptive reuse strategies for heritage buildings, focusing on their social inclusion and economic viability. At the same time, we would like to emphasize the importance of preserving heritage buildings while promoting their sustainable transformation to meet the changing needs of society. 

優質建築大獎 2024 前瞻研討會系列通過分享往屆獲獎者的成功故事,促進行業內交流。 第四場研討會的主題是 遺產建築:可持續活化再利用,促進社會共融與經濟可行性。本次研討會旨在探討文物建築的可持續活化再利用戰略,通過重點關注其社會包容性和經濟可行性,強調保護文物建築的重要性,促進文物建築的可持續改造,以滿足不斷變化的社會需求。   

Details 詳情:
Date 日期: 
5 Feb 2024 (Monday)
Time 時間:
15:30 – 16:00  Registration Time 
16:00 -18:00  Seminar Time
15:30 – 16:00  簽到
16:00 -18:00  研討會
Venue 地點:  
16/F Conference Room, HKCA, 180-182 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
香港灣仔軒尼詩道180-182號 香港建造商會(HKCA) 16 樓會議室 
Fee 費用:  
Free of Charge 

*Please complete the registration by 2 February (Friday)

報名連結 : Quality Building Award 2024 – Pre-award Seminar 4 Registration 優質建築大獎 2024-前瞻研討會 4 登記 (office.com)

QBA2024 Seminar 4 Flyer

Important Notes:

  1. This is an online pre-registration only and the seat reserved will only be confirmed by an e-mail sent to the successful registrant in due course upon receipt of the registration fee.
  2. The talk will be conducted online via Zoom. Successful registrants will be notified separately via email with the meeting ID in due course to the online event . 
  3. Information collected, including name, phone number, email address and postal address, will only be used for the purpose of processing booking or general enquires related to HKICM, and will be treated in confidence and not be disclosed to any other party. 
  4. HKICM reserves the right of final decision and interpretation in the case of any dispute.

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