It is the time to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR of the People’s Republic of China. Following the appointment of Principle Officials for the six-term of the HKSAR Government, Hong Kong is starting a new chapter to usher in a new era of opportunities. I am delighted to learn that our Honorary Fellow Ir Lam Sai-hung, GBS, JP has been appointed as Secretary for Transport and Logistics of the sixth-term Government of the HKSAR. I look forward to the continuous and proactive collaboration between the Government and the Institute to benefit the construction industry in Hong Kong. Besides, my heartfelt congratulations to our Honorary Fellow Ir WAI Chi-sing, GBS, JP for his re-appointment as the Managing Director of Urban Renewal Authority (URA), our Honorary President and CMA 2018 HKICM Outstanding Achievement Awardee, Cr Thomas Ho, JP for his appointment as the Chairman of the Construction Industry Council and our Fellow and CMA 2020 HKICM Outstanding Achievement Awardee, Ir Dr. Conrad Wong, BBS, JP for his appointment as the Chairman of the Council of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU). In addition, my warmest congratulations to our Honorary President, Cr Daniel Shum for the conferment of VTC 40th Anniversary Outstanding Alumni Award in recognizing his remarkable achievements and contributions to the construction industry.
The preparation of the 25th CMA and Anniversary Dinner are progressing well. There are nearly thirty entries for the three award categories namely Large Scale Project, Medium Scale Project, and Young Construction Manager. My special thanks to our council members who participated in the first screening assessment. The logo enhancement to include our Chinese name and slight color modification have been completed. The enhanced logo design will be adopted in making our new HKICM pins and ties.
Although Covid-19 continues impacting our normal routine, we successfully held the Spring Gathering Lunch cum Honorary Appointment Ceremony in May 2022. The Ceremony provided an excellent networking opportunity for our current session General Councilors, and our VIP guests including Sr Hon Tony Tse, LegCo Member HKSAR, and seven of our incumbent Hon Presidents. I am glad that Dr. Daron Leung has been appointed as our new Honorary Safety Advisor and Mr. Damon So and Mr. Joseph Chung are re-appointed as our Honorary Legal Advisors. In addition to our current Honorary Advisors, Sr Hon Tony Tse and Ir Hon W K Lo, I am so thrilled that Hon Louis Loong has accepted our invitation as our Honorary Advisor starting in September 2022. Once again, my heartfelt thanks for their unreserved support and expert advice on various issues and occasions.
My special appreciation to our Honorary President Cr C.W. Tang and IPP Cr Tony Za for their unfailing support and contribution in facilitating the signing of MoU with the Institute of International Experts Limited and MoC with the HKIE (Building Division) respectively. With these arrangements in place, we maintain collaborative partnership and cooperation in knowledge sharing, continuous professional development, technical visits, and stakeholders’ engagement.
Following the first HKICM/HKIA/CIOB joint event – “Site Visit to Hong Kong Palace Museum” organized by CIOB, HKICM organized the second joint event – “The Northern Metropolis Development Strategy – Vision and Actions” on 13 June 2022. Professor K.K. Ling, SBS was invited as the speaker who made a fantastic presentation focusing on the vision and actions of the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy.
The Development Bureau had issued a Technical Circular (Works) setting out the policy on the implementation of the Security of Payment Provisions in public works contracts with a view to facilitate timely processing of contract payments and provide an interim mechanism for a speedy resolution of payment disputes before the enactment of the Security of Payment Legislation (SOPL). The first HKICM Adjudicator Training and Accreditation Programme has been delivered by the master class trainer, Dr. Christopher To. The Adjudicator Training and Accreditation Programme aims to equip our members to be adjudicators for the foreseeable adjudication need.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and healthy life. Please stay tuned to our website to learn more about the latest development of the HKICM.
Best Wishes,

Cr FUNG Kwok-keung, Conrad
1st July 2022