Organized by HKICM and HKCA, a half day elite extended course (10th Intake) on “FINAL PREPARATION BEFORE AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY INTERVIEW” was successfully held at 16/F, HKCA Building on 23 July 2022 for 32 attendees. This elite course, extended with small group discussion and tutorial, interactive group and role-play mock AS interview, aims to provide helpful review and refreshment on the Buildings Ordinance, its subsidiary regulations and current construction practice in light of an AS. Empirical techniques in the preparation and attendance of AS interview in that mock questions and answers would be shared in the mock interviews with veteran ASs and construction practitioners.
Cr Paul CHUNG, Cr Daniel SHUM, Cr Edward GEUNG and Cr Bill NAM were invited as speakers and guests to share their knowledge and views about AS. Ex-CRC Panel Members and existing ASs experienced in the registration and assessment of AS under BO are also invited to join the group discussion, tutorial, mock AS interview, experience sharing and Q&A session.
The course was highly informative with lots of exchanges and interactions between the presenters and attendees. Thanks again to the efforts of the speakers, guests and HKCA for the contribution. We are looking forward to hearing the good news from the attendees about the interview.