Organized by HKICM Membership Committee, an admission workshop was successfully held at HKICM Secretariat Office on 17 June 2022 for 22 graduates of the Wolverhampton University. The workshop intends to facilitate candidates in preparing themselves for the Institute’s Professional Assessment (PA), which includes a brief introduction of HKICM, an overview of the PA process covering the guidance notes for candidates, the application process, document submission, knowledge and competencies required.
Our Honorary Secretary, Cr Simon LEUNG, delivered his opening remark on professionalism and the edge of becoming a professional construction manager. Cr Albert YIU, Chairman of Membership Committee, Cr Tomy WONG, Secretary of Membership Committee, and Cr PF CHAN, Chairman of Fellowship Committee, shared their views with the attendees to ensure their competencies could be better enhanced and fully demonstrated in the professional assessment.
The workshop was highly informative with lots of exchanges and interactions between the presenters and attendees. Thanks again to the efforts of HKICM Membership Committee and we look forward to welcoming graduates of the Wolverhampton University as professional members of HKICM.