Organised by The Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (“HKICM”) the “Construction Management Awards 2022” (CMA) is now open for nomination. In its fourth edition this year, the Awards continues to fulfill its purpose as a credible platform for industry professionals to share and exchange insights, recognising the contribution of professionals from the wider industry.
Based on the total contract value of construction projects, two categories are introduced to the Construction Management Awards this year, namely “Large Scale Project” and “Medium Scale Project”.
For more details about CMA2022, please find from the below website:
「營造管理優秀大獎2022」 現正接受提名
由香港營造師學會(HKICM)主辦、兩年一度的「營造管理優秀大獎2022」(CMA)現正接受提名。CMA 將繼續秉承為業界精英提供具公信力的交流平台之宗旨,冀望表揚更多行內人士例如營造師,地盤經理及工程師在其專業領域的實踐和貢獻,從而推動業界邁向專業化發展。