Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) has great potential for producing renewable energy on-site in urban areas by integrating solar panels into existing buildings, which is a practical and innovative approach that does not compromise the appearance of the building.
Due to their advantages in aesthetics, low temperature coefficient, low degradation rate, and transparency potential, CdTe-based solar cells have been rapidly developed for BIPV applications.
The building Façade of Beijing National Speed Skating Oval is an excellent example of a CdTe-based BIPV project that provides energy for the building’s operation with zero carbon emissions. In this seminar, the recent technological advancement in CdTe-based BIPV and some cases will be presented.
Fee: HK$120 per head (for HKICM and CABE Members) | HK$150 per head (for Non-Members)
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For enquiry, please contact:
Ms Mable Hung, Administrator, CABE Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3915 7510 | E-mail: