Cabe face-to-face CPD seminar : 創新建造方法-組裝合成建築法:過去、現在與未來

11 December 2024

組裝合成建築法(MiC)是一種創新的建造方法。在過去建築預制組件的基礎上再進一步透過採用「工廠組裝、現場安裝」的理念,MiC有助於緩解當地建築業面臨人手及材料各方面的挑戰。在這種方法中,獨立式整合模組(配有飾面、固定裝置和配件)在工廠製造和組裝。透過將現場施工過程轉移到受控的工廠環境中,建築物可以在場外基本上完成。天氣條件、勞動力資源稀缺和場地限制的不利影響都可以大幅減少。MiC 提供了極大程度的生產品質控制,可提高施工生產力、安全性和永續性。另外在MiC的基礎上再加入各類探測器,無線傳輸及軟件控制系統的元素以實行未來智慧樓宇、屋苑、社區及城市的發展。

Date : 11 December 2024(Wednesday)

Time : 19:00 – 20:30 HKT

Venue : Level One, Everglory Centre 1B Kimberley Street Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

HKICM Members will be given a discount rate HK$120 per head (same as CABE Members)

Important Notes:

  1. This is an online pre-registration only and the seat reserved will only be confirmed by an e-mail sent to the successful registrant in due course upon receipt of the registration fee.
  2. The talk will be conducted online via Zoom. Successful registrants will be notified separately via email with the meeting ID in due course to the online event . 
  3. Information collected, including name, phone number, email address and postal address, will only be used for the purpose of processing booking or general enquires related to HKICM, and will be treated in confidence and not be disclosed to any other party. 
  4. HKICM reserves the right of final decision and interpretation in the case of any dispute.

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