2024年新界區賣旗日「關懷基層 勉勵同行」

13 April 2024

城市睦福將於2024年4月13日(六)舉行新界區賣旗日。今年賣旗的主題是「關懷基層 勉勵同行」,將睦福一直以來服侍基層的理念和服侍場景,包括關懷基層、栽培成長、義工同行、跨過難關,設計成旗紙呈現眼前,鼓勵更多人關心貧困家庭,攜手關懷及幫助弱勢社群!

Important Notes:

  1. This is an online pre-registration only and the seat reserved will only be confirmed by an e-mail sent to the successful registrant in due course upon receipt of the registration fee.
  2. The talk will be conducted online via Zoom. Successful registrants will be notified separately via email with the meeting ID in due course to the online event . 
  3. Information collected, including name, phone number, email address and postal address, will only be used for the purpose of processing booking or general enquires related to HKICM, and will be treated in confidence and not be disclosed to any other party. 
  4. HKICM reserves the right of final decision and interpretation in the case of any dispute.

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