【有線寬頻 i-CABLE 】樓盤傳真 – 講樓擂台

15 June 2024

有線寬頻 i-CABLE節目樓盤傳真環節〈講樓擂台〉請來香港營造師學會會長孟家榮,討論建造業付款保障條例草案。

節目重溫 : 樓盤傳真 15/6/2024 – 有線寬頻 i-CABLE (〈講樓擂台〉35:00 至 47:20 )

Important Notes:

  1. This is an online pre-registration only and the seat reserved will only be confirmed by an e-mail sent to the successful registrant in due course upon receipt of the registration fee.
  2. The talk will be conducted online via Zoom. Successful registrants will be notified separately via email with the meeting ID in due course to the online event . 
  3. Information collected, including name, phone number, email address and postal address, will only be used for the purpose of processing booking or general enquires related to HKICM, and will be treated in confidence and not be disclosed to any other party. 
  4. HKICM reserves the right of final decision and interpretation in the case of any dispute.

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